Social and Behavioral Aspects of Malaria Control: A Study Among the Murut of Sabah, Malaysia


By Foong Kin, Ph.D.

Like other countries in the region, malaria remains an endemic disease of public health importance in Malaysia. A majority of the malaria cases detected annually were from the State of Sabah in East Malaysia. In spite of various anti-malarial measures, malaria continues to be a serious health problem affecting a large proportion of its population. There is a need to affecting a large proportion of its population. There is a need to develop more effective means of control of the disease. Past studies provide some information on the epidemiology and dynamics of malaria transmission, little has been done to investigate the sociological, cultural, and ecological factors that play an important role in the transmission and control of the disease. Factors of tribal housing, clothing, and vocations that cause uninterrupted exposure of the population to malaria risk are also significant features that needed examination. Understanding these social phenomena and behavior of the people would aid in improving effectiveness of current and future control programs. This study is intended to fill this gap in knowledge as well as serve as a model for future field research on tropical diseases in Malaysia and other countries in this region.


ISBN 1-929900-00-7


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Table of Contents




  1. Introduction

  2. Research Methodology

  3. The People

  4. The Malaria Situation

  5. Environmental and Socio-economic Factors Associated with Malaria

  6. Knowledge and Perceptions About Malaria

  7. Practices Related to the Prevention of Malaria

  8. Practices Related to Malaria Treatment

  9. Conclusion


